Wanna know the truth?
You were meant for more than hustling OR settling.
Are you ready to embody magnetic confidence, clarity, and actually DO the shit you say you wanna do?
If you're tired of breaking promises to yourself, you're in the right place.
Here’s the thing: We ALL have a spark alive within us— no matter how small or dim it might feel right now.
And it is our greatest purpose and greatest RESPONSIBILITY to honor it.
Because when we do, we become better partners, friends, leaders, parents, creators, and family members in the interconnected web of this wild, dark, miraculous, beautiful world.
How I can support you:
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I offer both one-on-one and group coaching. In addition to multiple coaching certifications, I bring 12 years of experience as a therapist, and owner of a multiple six-figure business.
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LIT AF membership
LIT AF is currently on hiatus. If you’d like to be in the know about any updates re: LIT AF (like.. if the doors reopen 🤗), click the button below to sign up for my weekly emails!
Ask what makes you come alive and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.
Hey, I'm Val—
And I help high achievers honor their ambition and take consistent action toward their goals... without burning out or feeling like 💩 about themselves.
My passion is in supporting folks to step fully into their potential— and frankly, I’m tired of seeing personal growth spaces that either make people feel like they’re not enough just as they are, OR that devalue ambition and hard work.
I believe that it’s possible to live at the magical intersection of MORE, LESS, and ENOUGH: more joy, success, and vibrancy— less stress, chaos, and overwhelm— and believing that you ARE enough, HAVE enough, and are DOING enough. 🔥
I’m also a huge fan of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, cats, glitter, fancy tea, vegan queso, and Scotland.