Honor Your Spark

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Honor Your Spark

the podcast

Honor Your Spark podcast - Valerie martin

ANNOUNCEMENT: As of June 2024, Honor Your Spark will be on pause. Stay tuned to my weekly Spark Letter for future news. You can listen to the archive wherever get your podcasts, and I love guesting on other podcasts— learn more about that here!

About the Show

If you’re a high-achiever who wants your ambition to extend beyond your professional goals and into your wellbeing and relationships— you’re in the right place. I’m Valerie Martin, a Certified High Performance Coach and therapist of 12 years, and I’m obsessed with teaching and coaching folks how to cultivate Compassionate Self-Discipline.

We ALL have a spark alive within us— no matter how small or dim it might feel right now. And it is our greatest purpose and greatest RESPONSIBILITY to honor it.Because when we do, we become better partners, friends, leaders, parents, creators, and family members in the interconnected web of this wild, dark, miraculous, beautiful world. 💞

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  • You’ve probably heard someone in your life say something like this (or perhaps had the thought yourself): “How is it that EVERYONE all the sudden has ADHD and autism?!” Weellll that’s not exactly any more true than saying there’s “all the sudden” a bunch of trans people around, when really they’ve always been there— just[...]

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A new episode of Honor Your Spark publishes every other Tuesday morning. 

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Meet the Host

Hey, I'm Val-

And I help high achievers honor their ambition and take consistent action toward their goals… without burning out or feeling like 💩 about themselves. 


I’ve been a therapist for 12 years and hold certifications from top-tier coach training programs including the High Performance Institute, Heroic, and the Quantum Coaching Academy. Let’s just say I’m a little obsessed with human psychology and behavior 😜 and I love having deep conversations with experts anyone with a unique experience and perspective to share.


I believe that it’s possible to live at the magical intersection of MORE, LESS, and ENOUGH: more joy, success, and vibrancy— less stress, chaos, and overwhelm— and believing that you ARE enough, HAVE enough, and are DOING enough. 🔥 


I’m also a huge fan of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, cats, glitter, fancy tea, vegan queso, and Scotland.